How It Works










The Investment


First, let me thank you for your interest in my work. Commissions include welcome and planning information, access to the studio clothing line, your session time with me, a post session ordering appointment, and a private online slideshow to show off your photography to friends and family.








Single Commission /


+ Collection or a la carte product

* Commission fee does not include digital negatives




Digital Commission /



Includes high resolution digital negatives

Minimum of 15 (with print release)

Complimentary printed proof set in a display box

+ Collections or a la carte product

* Digital negatives in this commission are offered at a reduced rate
and are secured at booking

* A la carte Single Commission and digital negatives




3 Commission Membership /


+ Collection or a la carte product

* Membership fee does not include digital negatives





















The Steps



01  book

Motherhood commissions are open Tuesday through Thursday morning and select Saturdays. Once you have reserved your session date and time I will send your welcome and planning information. All ages are welcome, from newborn to pre-teen.



02  Plan

Today's schedules are busy, so to make it easier I offer a complimentary studio wardrobe for both yourself and your children. Feel free to stop by the studio a few weeks before to make clothing selections or during your appointment.



03  Capture

Enjoy a private session in a modern setting where your bond is the focus. Appointments last one hour with a minimum of 30 minutes of photography.



04  View

Join me at the studio to review your printed proofs. Together, I will help guide you through selecting your favorites and we will chose the collection or product that is perfect for you.











The Collections and Product


I am proud to offer a curated line of product chosen for its visual impact. Whether in a collection or a la carte, there is a wide range to choose from. Books, framed fine art prints, digital negatives, and more are available. There is no minimum order requirements, simply choose the product you want, the way you want.







Collections Begin /



Products Begin /



Average Total Investment /








Complementary web files are provided
to match any product chosen

Whenever high resolution digital negatives are provided,
complimentary printed proofs in a display box are included

* Current sales tax on commissions
and product not included












Feel Free To Browse the FAQ Section












A Complete Collection and Product Guide Is Sent Upon Inquiry